[Maia-users] [Fix] Images / CSS Not loading
Marc Fournier
2015-05-07 18:15:51 UTC
Hopefully I didn’t miss this already going through the list, but after upgrading to 1.04, had issues with the pages not being formatted … being slow, didn’t clue into it being because the css/images weren’t being loaded, had a click slap me upside the head for that … the problem is that it looks like smarty.php assumes I have maia installed at /, not as a subdirectory, so it has all the theme stuff hardcoded to / … if this is already “fixed”, sorry for wasted bandwidth, but if not, the fix is simple:

*** /tmp/smarty.php Thu May 7 18:13:19 2015
--- smarty.php Thu May 7 18:11:58 2015
*** 98,104 ****
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', '/themes/'.$theme.'/');

function getBaseDir() {
--- 98,104 ----
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', 'themes/'.$theme.'/');

function getBaseDir() {

Marc G Fournier
Owner, Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
Jason Street
2015-05-08 08:19:40 UTC
Hi Marc,

That's great. I did bring it up on list recently and have a ticket open
on github (https://github.com/technion/maia_mailguard/issues/27).

You're change appears to be the one Janky Jay suggested which certainly
worked for me. The only thing is it possibly does not work if maia is
on a Subdomain, at least Janky seemed to think that was the case, I have
not tested that part.

If you had the time do you think you could create a pull request on
Github? It'd be great to get the repo development moving.
Technion/Joshua Small had set up the fork based on a number of people
offering to help but that has not really happened yet

~~Jason S
Post by Marc Fournier
Hopefully I didn’t miss this already going through the list, but after
upgrading to 1.04, had issues with the pages not being formatted …
being slow, didn’t clue into it being because the css/images weren’t
being loaded, had a click slap me upside the head for that … the
problem is that it looks like smarty.php assumes I have maia installed
at /, not as a subdirectory, so it has all the theme stuff hardcoded
to / … if this is already “fixed”, sorry for wasted bandwidth, but if
*** /tmp/smarty.php Thu May 7 18:13:19 2015
--- smarty.php Thu May 7 18:11:58 2015
*** 98,104 ****
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', '/themes/'.$theme.'/');
function getBaseDir() {
--- 98,104 ----
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', 'themes/'.$theme.'/');
function getBaseDir() {
Marc G Fournier
Owner, Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
Maia-users mailing list
Marc Fournier
2015-05-13 06:38:53 UTC
can you provide a quick list of steps on how to do that? its been a couple of years since I’ve done a pull request, and my mind is a bit foggy on this :( I’m running from the command line, not through a GUI 

I did a ‘git clone’ of the repo, made my mods and tried:

$ git request-pull
usage: git request-pull [options] start url [end]

-p show patch text as well

But, as the example shows, I’m obviously missing details 

Please advise / refresh my memory 

Marc G Fournier
Owner, Hub.Org <http://hub.org/> Hosting Solutions S.A.
Post by Jason Street
Hi Marc,
That's great. I did bring it up on list recently and have a ticket open on github (https://github.com/technion/maia_mailguard/issues/27).
You're change appears to be the one Janky Jay suggested which certainly worked for me. The only thing is it possibly does not work if maia is on a Subdomain, at least Janky seemed to think that was the case, I have not tested that part.
If you had the time do you think you could create a pull request on Github? It'd be great to get the repo development moving. Technion/Joshua Small had set up the fork based on a number of people offering to help but that has not really happened yet (https://github.com/technion/maia_mailguard/issues/29#issuecomment-98890090)
~~Jason S
Hopefully I didn’t miss this already going through the list, but after
upgrading to 1.04, had issues with the pages not being formatted 

being slow, didn’t clue into it being because the css/images weren’t
being loaded, had a click slap me upside the head for that 
problem is that it looks like smarty.php assumes I have maia installed
at /, not as a subdirectory, so it has all the theme stuff hardcoded
to / 
 if this is already “fixed”, sorry for wasted bandwidth, but if
*** /tmp/smarty.php Thu May 7 18:13:19 2015
--- smarty.php Thu May 7 18:11:58 2015
*** 98,104 ****
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', '/themes/'.$theme.'/');
function getBaseDir() {
--- 98,104 ----
} else {
$this->plugins_dir = array($this->_basedir.'code/', "Smarty/plugins");
! $this->assign('template_dir', 'themes/'.$theme.'/');
function getBaseDir() {
Marc G Fournier
Owner, Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
Maia-users mailing list
Jason Street
2015-05-13 13:25:07 UTC
Post by Marc Fournier
can you provide a quick list of steps on how to do that?
Hi Marc. Probably the easiest way to do it is from the github interface


And some other useful link

Marc Fournier
2015-05-15 18:43:34 UTC
God, I hate feeling stupid, but I’m a command line guy, hate web interfaces 

I read through https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/ <https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/>, as well as ‘creating a branch’ which that links to 

So, I logged into github, went to the project and tried to create a branch, which for obvious reasons, I can’t do, but its what the instructions said 
 so do I need to fork that project in order to create a branch in order to do a pull request 

I’m missing something obviouis here, apparently 

Marc G Fournier
Owner, Hub.Org <http://hub.org/> Hosting Solutions S.A.
Post by Jason Street
Post by Marc Fournier
can you provide a quick list of steps on how to do that?
Hi Marc. Probably the easiest way to do it is from the github interface
And some other useful link
Jason Street
2015-05-18 20:10:02 UTC
Post by Marc Fournier
So, I logged into github, went to the project and tried to create a
branch, which for obvious reasons, I can’t do, but its what the
instructions said … so do I need to fork that project in order to
create a branch in order to do a pull request … ?
I’m missing something obviouis here, apparently …
hi Marc I am still getting to grips with it my self but from my
understanding you need to fork technion's repo, update yours (either
master or a new branch) and then do the pull request here (compare
across forks):


selecting tecnion on the left, yours on the right and it will search for
any changes and give you the option to do a pull request.
