[Maia-users] Next install issue
Richard B. Pyne
2015-09-22 10:22:01 UTC
I have finally got maia mostly working on my new install, mail flows,
spam is quarantined, etc.

Not I am working on getting all the pages to display. stats.php and
list-cache.php will only display blank pages. All of the other pages
appear to be working.

I have checked the ownership and permissions on the template/*/compiled
directories, and checked the php.ini include_path to make sure it has
both the current directory and /usr/share/php in the path.

This has certainly been an adventure, but I am running out of time to
deliver a working system.

Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.

System configuration:

CentOS 7.1
Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin, and maia, all using Mariadb (mysql).

Richard B. Pyne
2015-09-22 10:30:48 UTC
Some log wading has revealed a little information:

[Tue Sep 22 04:13:06.975280 2015] [:error] [pid 6721] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler:
Syntax error in template
"/var/www/html/mail/maia/themes/ocean_surf/templates/stats.tpl" on line
59 "{$lang.text_efficiency} {$eff_pct*100|string_format:"%.2f"}%"
unknown modifier "string_format" <-- \n thrown in
/usr/share/php/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on
line 59, referer:

[Tue Sep 22 04:13:23.531632 2015] [:error] [pid 6724] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler:
Syntax error in template
"/var/www/html/mail/maia/themes/ocean_surf/templates/list-cache.tpl" on
line 103 "<tr class="{cycle values="$body_class,$alt_body_class" }"
id="row_{$row[hamloop].id}">" unknown tag "cycle" <-- \n thrown in
/usr/share/php/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on
line 103, referer: http://domain.tld/mail/maia/welcome.php?

Though I have no idea what to do with these errors.

Post by Richard B. Pyne
I have finally got maia mostly working on my new install, mail flows,
spam is quarantined, etc.
Not I am working on getting all the pages to display. stats.php and
list-cache.php will only display blank pages. All of the other pages
appear to be working.
I have checked the ownership and permissions on the template/*/compiled
directories, and checked the php.ini include_path to make sure it has
both the current directory and /usr/share/php in the path.
This has certainly been an adventure, but I am running out of time to
deliver a working system.
Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.
CentOS 7.1
Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin, and maia, all using Mariadb (mysql).
Maia-users mailing list
P.J. Tezza
2015-09-22 13:55:05 UTC
I'm not sure about the problem in stats.tpl. It looks OK and it works on
my system with smarty3.

I had to fix the problem in list-cache.tpl as follows:

/home/biz/mailfiltercp/www/themes/desert_sand/templates# diff
list-cache.tpl list-cache.tpl~
< {* <tr class="{cycle values=$body_class,$alt_body_class}"
id="row_{$row[hamloop].id}"> *}
< <tr class="{cycle values="$body_class,$alt_body_class"}"
<tr class="{cycle values=$body_class,$alt_body_class }"

Basically, I removed a pair of "extra" double quotes.

[Tue Sep 22 04:13:06.975280 2015] [:error] [pid 6721] [client
Syntax error in template
"/var/www/html/mail/maia/themes/ocean_surf/templates/stats.tpl" on
line 59 "{$lang.text_efficiency} {$eff_pct*100|string_format:"%.2f"}%"
unknown modifier "string_format" <-- \n thrown in
[Tue Sep 22 04:13:23.531632 2015] [:error] [pid 6724] [client
Syntax error in template
on line 103 "<tr class="{cycle values="$body_class,$alt_body_class" }"
id="row_{$row[hamloop].id}">" unknown tag "cycle" <-- \n thrown in
on line 103, referer: http://domain.tld/mail/maia/welcome.php?
Though I have no idea what to do with these errors.
Post by Richard B. Pyne
I have finally got maia mostly working on my new install, mail flows,
spam is quarantined, etc.
Not I am working on getting all the pages to display. stats.php and
list-cache.php will only display blank pages. All of the other pages
appear to be working.
I have checked the ownership and permissions on the template/*/compiled
directories, and checked the php.ini include_path to make sure it has
both the current directory and /usr/share/php in the path.
This has certainly been an adventure, but I am running out of time to
deliver a working system.
Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.
CentOS 7.1
Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin, and maia, all using Mariadb (mysql).
Maia-users mailing list
Maia-users mailing list
Richard B. Pyne
2015-09-22 16:08:47 UTC
You were giving me hope until I found that my list-cache.tpl file
already has the extra quotes removed:

<tr class="{cycle values=$body_class,$alt_body_class }"

and that I was using ocean surf. I switched to desert_sand and got the
same results

I found the issue. I was using Smarty v3. Downloading and using Smarty
v2 fixed the problems.

Thanks anyway.

Post by P.J. Tezza
I'm not sure about the problem in stats.tpl. It looks OK and it works on
my system with smarty3.
/home/biz/mailfiltercp/www/themes/desert_sand/templates# diff
list-cache.tpl list-cache.tpl~
< {* <tr class="{cycle values=$body_class,$alt_body_class}"
id="row_{$row[hamloop].id}"> *}
< <tr class="{cycle values="$body_class,$alt_body_class"}"
<tr class="{cycle values=$body_class,$alt_body_class }"
Basically, I removed a pair of "extra" double quotes.
[Tue Sep 22 04:13:06.975280 2015] [:error] [pid 6721] [client
Syntax error in template
"/var/www/html/mail/maia/themes/ocean_surf/templates/stats.tpl" on
line 59 "{$lang.text_efficiency} {$eff_pct*100|string_format:"%.2f"}%"
unknown modifier "string_format" <-- \n thrown in
[Tue Sep 22 04:13:23.531632 2015] [:error] [pid 6724] [client
Syntax error in template
on line 103 "<tr class="{cycle values="$body_class,$alt_body_class" }"
id="row_{$row[hamloop].id}">" unknown tag "cycle" <-- \n thrown in
on line 103, referer: http://domain.tld/mail/maia/welcome.php?
Though I have no idea what to do with these errors.
Post by Richard B. Pyne
I have finally got maia mostly working on my new install, mail flows,
spam is quarantined, etc.
Not I am working on getting all the pages to display. stats.php and
list-cache.php will only display blank pages. All of the other pages
appear to be working.
I have checked the ownership and permissions on the template/*/compiled
directories, and checked the php.ini include_path to make sure it has
both the current directory and /usr/share/php in the path.
This has certainly been an adventure, but I am running out of time to
deliver a working system.
Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.
CentOS 7.1
Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin, and maia, all using Mariadb (mysql).
Maia-users mailing list
Maia-users mailing list
Maia-users mailing list