[Maia-users] Buildability under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus
Ian R. Justman
2016-04-24 15:09:33 UTC
Hi, all.

Doing some starting testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, "Xenial Xerus". I can
report that the Perl side has all dependencies satisfied, while PHP,
once config.php is fixed, does not show whether any items are loaded or
not. I get "Maia Mailguard Configuration Tester" and nothing after it.
I even install all the modules I can get from the repository and I still
get nothing but the header.

Noteworthy is the fact that Xenial uses PHP7, not PHP5. Ubuntu 15.10,
"Wily Werewolf", was the final Ubuntu release to support PHP5.

Any ideas?

Ian R. Justman
UNIX hacker. Anime fan. Any questions?
ianj (at) ian-justman.com
Please direct business correspondence to my new address, biz (at)
ian-justman.com. (04/27/2015)
Ian R. Justman
2016-04-24 16:06:36 UTC
Found one problem. In configtest.php, line 148 reads:

if (!eregi("^\..*$",$f) && $f!=='.' && $f!=='..'){

It should read:

if (!preg_match ("^\..*$", $f) && $f!=='..'){

Will continue to work this and keep you informed.

Post by Ian R. Justman
Hi, all.
Doing some starting testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, "Xenial Xerus". I can
report that the Perl side has all dependencies satisfied, while PHP,
once config.php is fixed, does not show whether any items are loaded or
not. I get "Maia Mailguard Configuration Tester" and nothing after it.
I even install all the modules I can get from the repository and I still
get nothing but the header.
Noteworthy is the fact that Xenial uses PHP7, not PHP5. Ubuntu 15.10,
"Wily Werewolf", was the final Ubuntu release to support PHP5.
Any ideas?
Ian R. Justman
UNIX hacker. Anime fan. Any questions?
ianj (at) ian-justman.com
Please direct business correspondence to my new address, biz (at)
ian-justman.com. (04/27/2015)
Ian R. Justman
2016-04-24 16:23:37 UTC
Actually, that call should read:

if (!preg_match ("^\..*^", $f) && $f!=='..'){

Plus line 454 which reads:

$db_version = mysql_get_server_info($test_dbh->connection);

should now read:

$db_version = mysqli_get_server_info($test_dbh->connection);

I'm sure there are a few other things that need addressing, so I will
keep working on this, and as soon as I can get things completed and
working, I'll set up my Github repository so people brave enough to try
this out can see how well/badly it will (not) work.

Post by Ian R. Justman
if (!eregi("^\..*$",$f) && $f!=='.' && $f!=='..'){
if (!preg_match ("^\..*$", $f) && $f!=='..'){
Will continue to work this and keep you informed.
Post by Ian R. Justman
Hi, all.
Doing some starting testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, "Xenial Xerus". I can
report that the Perl side has all dependencies satisfied, while PHP,
once config.php is fixed, does not show whether any items are loaded or
not. I get "Maia Mailguard Configuration Tester" and nothing after it.
I even install all the modules I can get from the repository and I still
get nothing but the header.
Noteworthy is the fact that Xenial uses PHP7, not PHP5. Ubuntu 15.10,
"Wily Werewolf", was the final Ubuntu release to support PHP5.
Any ideas?
Ian R. Justman
UNIX hacker. Anime fan. Any questions?
ianj (at) ian-justman.com
Please direct business correspondence to my new address, biz (at)
ian-justman.com. (04/27/2015)